Michael Kazakaitis Appreciates Cheryl Lander
Feb 13, 2023
ELA: Michael, tell us about what Cheryl did that you specifically appreciate.
Michael: Cheryl's been a lead in Oracle Pride Employee Network not only as one of the global co-leads but also on numerous events. She's instrumental in our public policy taskforce, Belonging Campaign, and many other aspects as it relates to our ERG. She's truly a role model with a great deal of passion as it relates to our community.
ELA: What impact did Cheryl have on you with this specific action?
Michael: She demonstrates perseverance, which stands out to me considering there were times I didn't think I had it in me to keep doing the ERG work.
ELA: What impact did this have on others?
Michael: She's helped others amplify their voices for causes they're passionate about whether internally or externally. When I see folks connecting with her in the same way I have, it's apparent how much her heart is in her work.
ELA: Why was this action unique or especially challenging to accomplish?
Michael: Oracle being a conservative company in general can provide plenty of setbacks when it comes to addressing the needs of our community. Cheryl doesn't let that stop her though and continues the work even though at times it may seem fruitless.
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